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Electronics Special Interest Group

12/09/2024 | 9:00am - 1:00pm

Event Location: Vulcan Works

Event Address: 34-38, Guildhall Road, Northampton , NN1 1EW

Contact Email Address: nina@silverstonetechnologycluster.com

Electronics Special Interest Group

Event Description

Design for… What? Everything?

Design for life. It’s just that fundamental. It’s impossible to design for any one thing in isolation or you’ll take your eye off the ball completely.

Design for prototype. Design for Manufacture. What about volume? For access? For repair. Always for cost. Design for aesthetics but for efficiency. Don’t forget sustainability. Recyclability. Durability. You want cybersecurity in the mix? Privacy? That’s no problem, we’ll just add compliance and all your other — as yet unnamed — constraints to the pot.

The STC are very pleased to welcome our newly formed Electronics SIG (previously our Wearable Technology Special Interest Group), who will be offering their thoughts on navigating a path to what ‘good’ design in electronics should look like — along with some of the pitfalls out there.

Bringing together expert speakers, informed discussion and networking for building those new connections.

Tickets for this event on sale now!

Please select a ticket type:

Ticket Type Cost
Members £0.00
Additional Members £15.00
Non-Members £30.00
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